Gathering Data Conclusion


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Gathering Data Conclusion#

At this point you should be able to gather data from:

  • A CSV or Excel file

  • SQL databases

  • HTML tables

  • Twitter

From all that data that you have gathered you should be able to do some basic manipulations on it using pandas or sql langauge.

To prepare yourself for the exam, attempt the following problems:

  1. Use the SQL table bigquery-public-data.london_fire_brigade.fire_brigade_service_calls

  2. How many entries are there in the dataset

  3. How many False Alarms happened between 10PM and 5 AM?

  4. What is the average number of num_pumps_attending when there is a Fire?

  5. What is the largest number of num_pumps_attending to a Road Vehicle property_category

  6. How many fires had more than average number of pumps attending?

  7. Navigate to the Oklahoma wikipedia page. Grab the table on tempuratures in largest cities. I’ve included some code below for cleaning up that table.

  8. What is the average monthly high temperature for OKC?

  9. Create a plot of the average monthly low tempurature in Tulsa.

  10. Identify the city with the highest high tempurature in each month.

Code for cleaning up table in #2 is below. Make sure to scrape the table and call it df.

df = df.melt(id_vars = ['City','Unnamed: 1'],
                  value_vars = df.columns[2:],
                  var_name = 'month'

df.value = df.value.apply(lambda s: int(s[:2]))

df.columns = ['City','Low_High', 'Month','Temp_F']


My Solutions#


from google.colab import auth


How many total rows are there?

%%bigquery --project pic-math
  COUNT(*) as total_rows
FROM `bigquery-public-data.london_fire_brigade.fire_brigade_service_calls`
0 32247

Here I am peaking at the data.

%%bigquery --project pic-math
FROM `bigquery-public-data.london_fire_brigade.fire_brigade_service_calls`
incident_number date_of_call cal_year time_of_call hour_of_call timestamp_of_call incident_group stop_code_description special_service_type property_category property_type address_qualifier postcode_full postcode_district borough_code borough_name proper_case ward_code ward_name ward_name_new easting_m northing_m easting_rounded northing_rounded frs incident_station_ground first_pump_arriving_attendance_time first_pump_arriving_deployed_from_station second_pump_arriving_attendance_time second_pump_arriving_deployed_from_station num_stations_with_pumps_attending num_pumps_attending
0 000320-01012017 2017-01-01 2017 15:30:22 15 2017-01-01 15:30:22+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling Purpose Built Flats/Maisonettes - Up to 3 stor... Within same building None IG9 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 541450 194050 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 2 2
1 003727-09012017 2017-01-09 2017 10:41:54 10 2017-01-09 10:41:54+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling House - single occupancy Correct incident location None IG7 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 543650 192950 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 2 2
2 003762-09012017 2017-01-09 2017 12:28:39 12 2017-01-09 12:28:39+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling House - single occupancy Correct incident location None IG7 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 543650 192950 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 2 2
3 006403-16012017 2017-01-16 2017 04:02:14 4 2017-01-16 04:02:14+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling Purpose Built Flats/Maisonettes - Up to 3 stor... Correct incident location None IG7 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 544350 192250 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 2 2
4 010947-26012017 2017-01-26 2017 11:14:03 11 2017-01-26 11:14:03+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling House - single occupancy Correct incident location None IG10 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 542050 196450 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 1 1
5 014169-03022017 2017-02-03 2017 04:58:02 4 2017-02-03 04:58:02+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling Converted Flat/Maisonettes - 3 or more storeys Correct incident location None TN14 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 548750 157750 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 3 5
6 016263-08022017 2017-02-08 2017 09:47:05 9 2017-02-08 09:47:05+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling House - single occupancy Correct incident location None IG7 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 544150 192550 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 2 2
7 016865-09022017 2017-02-09 2017 18:40:43 18 2017-02-09 18:40:43+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Non Residential Warehouse Correct incident location UB9 5HJ UB9 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded 504201.0 188280.0 504250 188250 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 1 1
8 017092-10022017 2017-02-10 2017 10:07:53 10 2017-02-10 10:07:53+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Non Residential Factory Correct incident location UB9 5HJ UB9 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded 504287.0 188271.0 504250 188250 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 1 1
9 024609-27022017 2017-02-27 2017 09:34:33 9 2017-02-27 09:34:33+00:00 False Alarm AFA None Dwelling Converted Flat/Maisonette - Up to 2 storeys Correct incident location None CR3 E00000000 NOT GEO-CODED Not geo-coded E00000000 Not geo-coded Not geo-coded NaN NaN 537650 155050 OverTheBorder OverTheBorder None None None None 1 1

To find ‘False Alarms’ between certain hours, I will use the WHERE command and join several clauses carefully with AND and OR

%%bigquery --project pic-math
SELECT COUNT(*) as number_of_late_night_false_alarms
FROM `bigquery-public-data.london_fire_brigade.fire_brigade_service_calls`
WHERE incident_group = "False Alarm" AND (hour_of_call >= 22 OR hour_of_call <= 4)
0 2825

If we want to see about when there is a fire, we will need to either restrict our data to then or possible GROUP BY I think I’ll use the group by since I already did one with the WHERE.

%%bigquery --project pic-math
SELECT incident_group, AVG(num_pumps_attending) as avg_pumps_attending
FROM `bigquery-public-data.london_fire_brigade.fire_brigade_service_calls`
GROUP BY incident_group
incident_group avg_pumps_attending
0 False Alarm 1.725776
1 Fire 1.633012
2 Special Service 1.177192


To navigate to the wikipedia page I’ll need some other packages!

import requests
import pandas as pa
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

r = requests.get('')
html_contents = r.text
html_soup = BeautifulSoup(html_contents,"lxml")
tables = html_soup.find_all('table',class_="wikitable")

df = pa.read_html(str(tables))[0]

df = df.melt(id_vars = ['City','Unnamed: 1'],
                  value_vars = df.columns[2:],
                  var_name = 'month'

df.value = df.value.apply(lambda s: int(s[:2]))

df.columns = ['City','Low_High', 'Month','Temp_F']

City Low_High Month Temp_F
0 Oklahoma City Avg. high Jan 50
1 Oklahoma City Avg. low Jan 29
2 Tulsa Avg. high Jan 48
3 Tulsa Avg. low Jan 27
4 Lawton Avg. high Jan 50
... ... ... ... ...
67 Oklahoma City Avg. low Dec 31
68 Tulsa Avg. high Dec 49
69 Tulsa Avg. low Dec 30
70 Lawton Avg. high Dec 52
71 Lawton Avg. low Dec 30

72 rows × 4 columns

count 72.000000
mean 61.333333
std 19.325966
min 26.000000
25% 49.000000
50% 62.000000
75% 73.000000
max 96.000000
df.query('City == "Oklahoma City" and Low_High == "Avg. high"').Temp_F.mean()
df.query('City == "Tulsa" and Low_High == "Avg. low"').Temp_F.hist()
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f7e49a98050>
df.groupby('City')['Temp_F'].plot(kind ='bar')
Lawton           AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Oklahoma City    AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Tulsa            AxesSubplot(0.125,0.125;0.775x0.755)
Name: Temp_F, dtype: object
df.query('Low_High == "Avg. high"').groupby('Month').agg(['mean','max'])
mean max
April 72.666667 73
Aug 93.666667 95
Dec 50.666667 52
Feb 54.666667 56
Jan 49.333333 50
July 94.333333 96
June 88.666667 90
March 63.333333 65
May 80.333333 82
Nov 61.666667 62
Oct 74.000000 76
Sept 85.000000 86
df[df.Temp_F == df.groupby('Month').Temp_F.transform(max)]
City Low_High Month Temp_F
0 Oklahoma City Avg. high Jan 50
4 Lawton Avg. high Jan 50
10 Lawton Avg. high Feb 56
16 Lawton Avg. high March 65
18 Oklahoma City Avg. high April 73
22 Lawton Avg. high April 73
28 Lawton Avg. high May 82
34 Lawton Avg. high June 90
40 Lawton Avg. high July 96
46 Lawton Avg. high Aug 95
52 Lawton Avg. high Sept 86
58 Lawton Avg. high Oct 76
60 Oklahoma City Avg. high Nov 62
64 Lawton Avg. high Nov 62
70 Lawton Avg. high Dec 52