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Regression Assignment

I want you to practice some regression and analyzing your results. Utilize this document to load data directly.

import pandas as pa
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Linear Regression

Fit goals vs points in a linear regression. Fit a multiple regression on goals and assists vs points. What do you notice about these two fits.

df = pa.read_csv('')
x = np.array(df[['G','A']])
y = np.array(df.PTS)

Logistic Regression

Using the 538 Avengers dataset,, fit a logistic regression to predict Death1 (first time a character might die) based on whatever variables you find interesting. Make a prediction using probabilities on your favorite character.

df = pa.read_csv('')
URL Name/Alias Appearances Current? Gender Probationary Introl Full/Reserve Avengers Intro Year Years since joining Honorary ... Return1 Death2 Return2 Death3 Return3 Death4 Return4 Death5 Return5 Notes
0 Henry Jonathan "Hank" Pym 1269 YES MALE NaN Sep-63 1963 52 Full ... NO NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Merged with Ultron in Rage of Ultron Vol. 1. A...
1 Janet van Dyne 1165 YES FEMALE NaN Sep-63 1963 52 Full ... YES NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Dies in Secret Invasion V1:I8. Actually was se...
2 Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark 3068 YES MALE NaN Sep-63 1963 52 Full ... YES NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Death: "Later while under the influence of Imm...
3 Robert Bruce Banner 2089 YES MALE NaN Sep-63 1963 52 Full ... YES NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Dies in Ghosts of the Future arc. However "he ...
4 Thor Odinson 2402 YES MALE NaN Sep-63 1963 52 Full ... YES YES NO NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Dies in Fear Itself brought back because that'...

5 rows × 21 columns

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f9f76320ee0>

Find Your Own Regression

I have compiled olympic 100m dash records from a wikipedia page Use this data and fit a regression of some type for prediciting Time. Justify your model used in words and pictures. Predict the new Olympic Record for 2024 and 2300. Describe in words the validity of your predictions.

df = pa.read_csv('')
x = np.array(df)

Time Athlete Nation Games Round Date Gender
0 12.2 Francis Lane United States (USA) 1896 Heat 1 1896-04-06 Men
1 12.2 Thomas Curtis United States (USA) 1896 Heat 2 1896-04-06 Men
2 11.8 Tom Burke United States (USA) 1896 Heat 3 1896-04-06 Men
3 11.4 Arthur Duffey United States (USA) 1900 Heat 1 6/14/1900 Men
4 11.4 Walter Tewksbury United States (USA) 1900 Heat 2 6/14/1900 Men